Illegal Pickleball Serves [4 Great Tips To Avoid This Serves]
Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. The game is played on a court with a net, and the objective is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent’s court.
When playing Pickleball, service is one of the most critical aspects of the game. A good serve can give you an advantage over your opponent and help you win the game. A few things to remember when serving, such as using the correct grip and proper technique. With a bit of practice, you can master the perfect Pickleball serve.
Illegal Pickleball Serves

Illegal Pickleball serves as a menace to the game. They can be challenging to spot, but if you know what to look for, they’re easy. Here is some illegal pickleball serves that you should be on the lookout for:
Using An Overhand Stroke
An overhand stroke in Pickleball is illegal. This is because the player must hit the ball with an underhand motion. The player may take up to one step before hitting the ball. If the player hits the ball with an overhand motion, it is a fault, and the point is awarded to the other team.
Serving Above Waist Level
In the game of Pickleball, serves must be made below the waist. However, some players attempt to gain an advantage by serving above waist level. This is illegal and results in a point for the opposing player.
Players who attempt this service often try to get the ball over the net quickly before their opponent can react. However, this is not a legal move and gives the other player an easy point.
If you are playing Pickleball, serve only below waist level. This will ensure that you are following the rules and giving your opponent a fair chance at winning the point.
A Paddle Head Above The Wrist
The paddle head must stay above the wrist when executing a pickleball serve. This rule is in place to prevent players from serving with an unfair advantage. If the paddle head goes above the wrist, it is considered an illegal serve, and the point will be awarded to the other team.
There are a few ways to ensure you avoid accidentally committing this error.
- First, make sure that you grip the paddle correctly. If you’re gripping it too tightly, your wrist is more likely to tense up and cause the paddle head to rise.
- Second, keep your elbow close to your body as you swing. This will help keep your wrist in line and prevent the paddle head from rising too high.
A Serve That Takes Longer Than 10 Seconds
A serve that takes longer than 10 seconds is considered an illegal pickleball serve. If you are serving and the ball hits the ground before 10 seconds have elapsed, your opponent can call a fault, and you will lose the point. There are a few ways to make sure your service is legal.
The first way to ensure your service is legal is to practice counting out loud as you serve. This will help you track how much time has elapsed and ensure you don’t go over 10 seconds.
Another way to ensure your service is legal is to use a stopwatch or timer. Set the timer for 10 seconds and start it as soon as you hit the ball. Your opponent can call a fault if the timer goes off before the ball hits the ground.
Standing In Front Of The Baseline
In the game of Pickleball, the serve is one of the essential aspects. A player must stand behind the baseline to serve legally. If a player stands in front of the baseline, it is considered an illegal serve. This can result in a loss of points or even a penalty. There are many reasons why a player may choose to stand in front of the baseline, but it is essential to know that it is against the rules.
How To Avoid Illegal Pickleball Serves?

Don’t get called for an illegal serve in your next pickleball match! Follow these tips to make sure your service is legal.
1 – Practice Makes Perfect!
The best way to avoid an illegal serve is to practice, practice, practice. Make sure you know the rules inside and out so you can serve confidently.
2 – Work On Your Agility
Part of perfecting your service has the agility to get into the correct position. If you can’t move quickly enough, you may not be able to deliver a legal service. Work on your footwork and overall speed so you can make all the right moves when it counts.
3 – Watch And Learn
Pick up some tips by watching other players. See how they hold the paddle, where they stand, and how they release the ball. You can learn much by observing others and practicing what you’ve seen.
4 – Brush Up On The Rules
In addition to watching instructional videos, it is also a good idea to brush up on the official rules of Pickleball. This way, you will know precisely what is and is not allowed when serving.
Frequently Asked Question
Can you do a sidearm serve in Pickleball?
You might think you can get away with serving the Pickleball with an overhead or sideways motion, but you would be wrong. This is impossible and against the pickleball rules.
When you serve the Pickleball, you must hit it upward from behind the baseline. You cannot hit it sideways or overhead. If you do, your opponent will automatically win the point.
So, if you’re wondering whether you can do a sidearm serve in Pickleball, the answer is no. Stick to hitting the ball upward to avoid forfeiting the point.
Are overhand serves legal in Pickleball?
Yes, overhand serves are legal in Pickleball. However, there are a few things to remember when serving overhand.
- First, the point of contact must be below the navel.
- Second, the ball must be hit with an underhand motion.
- Finally, the ball must be released before it reaches 10 feet in front of the server.
If you can follow these three simple rules, you can serve overhand and give yourself a significant advantage in the game of Pickleball.
Illegal Pickleball Serves Summary
Illegal pickleball serves can result in points being removed from a player or team. They can also cause injuries to players and damage to the court. It is essential to be aware of the game’s rules and follow them to avoid these penalties.