How To Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball? (11 GREAT Tips)
Pickleball is a fun and exciting paddle sport that is easy to learn. The game is played on a badminton-size court with a net similar to a tennis net, and the game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball. The game can be played as singles or doubles, and it is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air. Pickleball is a great game for all ages, and it is easy to find a group to play with.
How To Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball?

You can do a few key things to ensure you keep the ball low when playing pickleball.
1. Reduce The Swing
One of the most critical aspects of the game is keeping the ball low. This can be done by reducing the swing. A low swing will keep the ball close to the net and make it more difficult for your opponent to return it.
There are a few things you can do to reduce your swing:
- Make sure your grip is not too tight. A tight grip will cause you to swing the racket with more force and raise the ball.
- Keep your elbow close to your body. This will help you control the racket and keep your swing more compact.
- Focus on hitting the ball in the middle of the racket.
2. Have Soft Hands
It is essential to keep the ball low in pickleball so that your opponents have difficulty returning it. There are a few ways to do this. One way is to have soft hands. This means that you do not grip the paddle too tightly. A firm grip will cause the ball to pop up.
3. Dink Cross-Court
One way to keep the ball low in pickleball is to dink cross-court. You hit the ball diagonally across the court to the other side. Dinking cross-court is an excellent way to keep the ball low because it forces your opponent to move side to side, which makes it difficult for them to reach up and hit the ball.
4. Play Your Shot Early
There are several ways to keep the ball low in pickleball. One way is to play your shot early. This means that you hit the ball before it has a chance to bounce. This will keep the ball from bouncing too high.
5. Keep Your Paddle Low
When playing pickleball, it is essential to keep the ball low. There are several ways to do this. One way is to keep your paddle low. You can hit the ball low by keeping your paddle low and keep it from going too high.
6. Avoid Overreaching On Volleys
To keep the ball low in pickleball. Avoid overreaching on volleys. This will ensure that you maintain good balance and control over the ball. When volleying, keep your weight slightly forward so you can reach low balls without having to lunge. Use your non-dominant hand to help guide the ball over the net. If you overreact, take a step back to regain your balance.
7. Don’t Be Afraid To Hit The Net
One crucial thing to remember when playing pickleball is how to keep the ball low. This can be achieved in several ways, but one of the most important is not to be afraid to hit the net. You create a lower point of contact by hitting the net, which will keep the ball lower.
8. Don’t Get Caught Off Guard With Direct Shots
When playing pickleball, it is essential to keep the ball low. This can be achieved in several ways. One way is to ensure you are not caught off guard with direct shots. Direct shots are more likely to go over the net if they are not correctly hit.
9. Maintain A Distance Between Your Body And The Ball
When playing pickleball, it is essential to keep the ball low. This can be achieved by maintaining a distance between your body and the ball. Doing this will allow you to control the ball more effectively and keep it from going too high. Keeping the ball low will also help keep it from going out of bounds.
10. Practice More & More
You must practice more if you want to keep the ball low in pickleball. This is because the more you practice, the better you will control the ball. In addition, you should also try to hit the ball in the middle of the paddle. This will help to keep the ball low and prevent it from going too high.
11. Keep Your Mind Relaxed
Pickleball is a game that is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The game is played with a paddle and a ball, and the game’s object is to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent’s court.
One of the keys to playing pickleball well is to keep the ball low. This can be done by keeping your mind relaxed and not tensing up when hitting the ball. When you are relaxed, you will have more control over the paddle and the ball.
Frequently Asked Question
What does Opa mean in pickleball?
Opa is a term used in pickleball to describe a situation where open volleying has begun. This means the players are no longer allowed to bounce the ball on the ground before hitting it and must instead hit it in the air.
This often leads to a more fast-paced and exciting game, as players must be more aggressive to keep the rally going.
Can you switch hands in pickleball?
Yes, you can switch hands in pickleball. You may switch your pickleball paddle between hands at any time on the pickleball court.
This can be helpful if you feel fatigued in one arm or want to change your game. Some players may also switch hands to take advantage of different strengths or weaknesses in each arm.
What happens if the ball hits you in pickleball?
If the ball hits you in pickleball, it is a fault. This is because the ball is not supposed to hit you; if it does, it means you are not playing the game correctly. To avoid this, you must be careful and ensure that the ball does not hit you. If it does, it is a fault, and you will have to start over.
How To Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball Conclusion
It is essential to keep the ball low when playing pickleball to maintain control of the game. The best way to do this is to practice your strokes in a consistent and controlled manner. Remember to focus on your grip and follow-through to keep the ball low and increase your chances of winning the game.